

The authors of the original article by Guo et al., entitled “VDR Activation Reduces Proteinuria and High-Glucose-Induced Injury of Kidneys and Podocytes by Regulating Wnt Signaling Pathway” [Cell Physiol Biochem 2017;43(1):39-51, DOI: 10.1159/000480315], would like to address two issues of Table 3 in their paper.

Following the description on the seller‘s website for the antibodies, and using these antibodies to detect the proteins of the mouse, the authors wrote “mouse anti-mouse”. The authors accept that this phrasing is not accurate and will pay more attention to writing mistakes of this kind for their future work.

Regarding the wrong numer of the podocin antibody, after several years the authors cannot retrace if there has been a change in the product catalog number or if there has been a spelling mistake. The podocin antibodies they have used recently are listed under the product catalog number “Ab50339 (Abcam, Cambridge, UK)”.

The authors sincerely apologize for these mistakes.