Retraction Statement


The authors of the article

Bai M, Yu NZ, Long F, Feng C, Wang XJ, entitled
“Effects of CDKN2A (p16INK4A/p14ARF) Over-Expression on Proliferation and Migration of Human Melanoma A375 Cells”
[Cell Physiol Biochem 2016;40(6):1367-1376, DOI: 10.1159/000453189]

have requested retraction on the following basis:

Due to the limited experimental conditions at the given time, the authors did not carry out cell line screening and only used a single human melanoma cell line A375 for the experiment. However, when they continued to carry out research in the later stage, they purchased other melanoma cell lines (B16-BL6) for the experiment, and found that they can not get the results with the same conclusion using the A431 cell line. Therefore, the original conclusion is not rigorous, and the authors apply to retract the paper to avoid misleading other researchers while working on improving its preciseness.