Corresponding Author: Björn L.D.M. Brücher
Department of Surgery, Carl-Thiem-Klinikum, 03048 Cottbus (Germany)
Physics Essentials Enable Deeper Understanding in Signaling and Crosstalk of the Carcinogenesis Paradigm “Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer”
Björn L.D.M. Brüchera,b,c Martin Daumera,b,d Ijaz S. Jamalla,b,e
aTheodor-Billroth-Academy®, Munich, Germany – Sacramento, CA, USA, bINCORE, International Consortium of Research Excellence of the Theodor-Billroth-Academy®, Munich, Germany – Sacramento, CA, USA, cDepartment of Surgery, Carl-Thiem-Klinikum, Cottbus, Germany, dSylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research e.V. – The Human Motion Institute, Munich, Germany, eRisk-Based Decisions Inc., Sacramento, CA, USA
Radioactivity in the form of ionizing radiation can induce mutations in DNA and is believed to be the primary causal example of a cancer-initiating event. The Linear No-Threshold (LNT) model was created based on the assumption that any amount of radiation had some detrimental genetic effects in the form of DNA damage that could then lead to cancer, i.e. a zero-threshold assumption or that there is no radiation dose that is without an incremental quantifiable increase in cancer risk. This was the basis for the belief that cancer is caused by mutations as described by the somatic mutation theory (SMT). In fact, only a small proportion of cancers (~5%–10%) have been shown to result from mutations over the past 100 years and the majority (80%) of cancers are therefore still referred to as ‘sporadic’, meaning that their cause remains unknown [1-14].
Decades of molecular and clinical research led us in 2012 to the development of the cancer paradigm “Epistemology of the origin of cancer”, with a complex six-step set of events published in open-access format [9]. This paradigm explains why the majority of cancers originate after this sequence of events, namely (1) a pathogenic stimulus (biological or chemical) followed by (2) chronic inflammation, from which develops (3) fibrosis with associated changes in the cellular microenvironment. From these changes, (4) a pre-cancerous niche develops, which triggers the deployment of (5) a chronic stress escape strategy. When this condition fails to resolve, (6) the transition of a normal cell to a cancer cell occurs. The initial concept was realized between 2014 and 2016 including the original cancer paradigm and five papers [9-11, 15, 16]. This was followed by critical analyses of available knowledge five years after the paradigm was first published [17-26].
To date, the assessment of the contributions of physics to the process of carcinogenesis has been missing. Physics is of much greater significance in cancer research than is generally perceived. The essentials of physics provide a deeper understanding of how and why the LNT is invalid and thus gives an impetus for further critical thinking and analyses to more completely understand carcinogenesis, which describes the complex, incompletely understood process by which changes in cells/tissues/organs lead to the disease that we refer to as cancer (see also Supplementary Material – for all supplementary material see
For their joint discoveries, Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852–1908) (spontaneous radioactivity from uranium salts), and Marie (1867-1934) and Pierre Curie (1859-1906) (identification of polonium), received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. Marie Curie reported on radium between 1898 and 1907 [27-33], and Pierre Curie and his student Albert Laborde measured continuous emissions from radium in 1903 [32]. More detailed information about the discoveries of radiation and in Physics is provided in the Supplementary Material (see also Fig. 1-10 in Supplementary Material).
Background radiation
Background radiation consists of approximately 82% natural and approximately 18% man-made radiation, which is mainly due to medical X-rays (58%), nuclear medicine (21%), consumer products (16%), occupational sources (2%), atomic bomb fallout (2%), and nuclear fuel cycles (1%) [34]. Exposure to ionizing radiation is a consistent occurrence for all life on Earth. Approximately 90% of the annual radiation dose “for a person living in the US comes from natural sources such as cosmic radiation and radioactive rocks” ([35], reviewed in [36]). Cosmic radiation originates from the sun and distant galaxies [37].
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report in 1993, natural background radiation comes from “cosmic radiation, external radiation from radionuclides in the earth’s crust and internal radiation from radionuclides inhaled or ingested and retained in the body” [38]. In summary, “exposures due to cosmic rays, terrestrial gamma rays and ingestion vary only slightly with time, so they can be regarded as the background exposure to natural sources.”
Radiation exposure in people is influenced by multiple factors. Geographic location is one such factor, as cosmic radiation increases with elevation above mean sea level. Background radiation also depends on local geology, and here preexisting radon is of importance, as radon sources affect exposure. In 1993, the UNSCEAR sought to establish a representative approach describing radiation exposure as follows: the determination of “radiation exposures from various sources consists of presenting the collective dose to the world population received or committed (a) from the end of 1945 to the end of 1992 (47 years) for discrete events and (b) for a period of 50 years at the current rate of practice or exposure for all other sources, including natural sources.” This approach was deemed to be reasonable for a period of 50 years (25 years before and after the present), although it has been stated that it is “likely that this assumption overestimates the future doses from practices that are not rapidly expanding, because improved techniques and standards of protection will reduce the doses per unit of practice” but it was not clear, how doses are affected by practice.
The worldwide average annual effective radiation dose in adults from all natural sources was estimated to be 2.0 mSv [39] in 1982, with a later estimate of 2.4 mSv (range: 1−10), consisting of 0.9 mSv (37.5%) from external exposure (cosmic rays: 0.4 mSv [16.7%]; terrestrial gamma rays: 0.5 mSv [20.8%]) and 1.5 mSv (62.5%) from internal exposure (inhalation [primarily radon]: 1.2 mSv [50%]; ingestion: 0.3 mSv [12.5%]) [40, 41]. The dosage levels are listed in Table 1 [modified according to 34] (see also Supplementary Material, Section ‘measurement parameters’). One’s exposure depends on several variables. For example, cosmic ray dose rates depend on altitude, with exposure rates being five-fold higher at higher altitudes compared with average rates at sea level [38]. Terrestrial γ-ray doses depend on local geology and residential ventilation such that some communities may have an exposure rate that is 100-fold higher than average due to the presence of certain types of naturally occurring radioactive minerals.
While the global average human exposure to natural background radiation is 2.4 mSv/a (270 nSv/h avg) [40, 41], there are large geographic variations [42]. For example, the average natural background radiation in Finland is ~8 mSv/a (~900 nSv/h avg) versus 90 μSv/h (800 mSv/avg) on a monazite beach near Guarapari, Brazil [43]. A Finish nationwide register-based case-control study on the Chernobyl fallout revealed that “Overall, background gamma radiation showed a non-significant association with the OR of childhood leukemia (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.97, 1.05 for a 10-nSv/h increase in average equivalent dose rate to red bone marrow)” [44]. No accumulation of dose with age was found.
Atomic bombs detonated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki [34, 55, 61, 63]
We are thankful to the countless scientists, clinicians, and individuals of various disciplines and professions from Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and the USA for the personal exchanges during the last few decades. We acknowledge the intense and bias-free discussions, critical thinking, exchanges, and reviews by Professor Detlef Bartsch, Berlin, Germany, Professor Dr Marjan Slak Rupnik, Vienna, Austria, Professor em. Michael Baum, London, UK, Associate Professor Dr Jochen Salber, Bochum, Germany, Dr Gudrun Schueler, Cottbus, Germany and Professor Reshef Tenne, Rehovot, Israel.
Author Contributions
BB produced the first draft. MD and IJ worked on the various sections. All authors edited and modified the manuscript.
The manuscript was supported by the Theodor-Billroth-Academy® (TBA®) and INCORE (International Consortium of Research Excellence) of the TBA®.
The authors declare that no conflicts of interest exist.
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